BraillePen12 with Dolphin Supernova and the Dolphin Pen
To set up the BraillePen12 as a keyboard and display for Supernova:
- In Supernova, Select control Panel, Popup Menu, Configuration, SAM Setup.
- Select EasyLink 12 from the list box
- Press the Configure button
- Select the Manual Configuration radio button
- Turn on your BraillePen12 using space + dots 1, 3.
- Press the Bluetooth Find button in the SAM dialog and wait for a minute.
- When your BraillePen has been detected, press the OK button.
- In the SAM dialog, press the Detect All Devices Now button.
- Click OK to accept the hardware change dialogs.
- Your SAM dialog should now show Easylink 12 Braille Display 1
- Tab using space and dots 5 and 6, or use the BraillePen12 joystick to move to the close button and press Joystick Enter to select.
For questions about the Dolphin Pen, please contact
For questions about BraillePen12 please contact your distributor.
BraillePen12 keystrokes for use with Supernova
Action | BraillePen12 Braille Keystroke |
Open control Panel | space + dots 1, 3, 5 (o) |
Popup Menu | space + dots 1, 2, 3, 4 (p) |
Mute Speech | control |
List System Tray | shift, space + dots 2 3 4 5 (t) |
Application Hotkey Information | space + dots 1, 2, 5 (h) |
Toggle Key Describe Mode on/off | space + dots 1, 4, 5, 6 |
Speak Keys | |
Speak PDA Battery Status | space + Dots 2 3 4 (s) |
Speak current time/date | space + Dots 1 4 5 (d) |
Speak Status Bar | shift, space + Dots 2 3 (2) |
Speak Selection | shift, space + Dot 2 (1) |
Speak Focus | shift, space + Dots 3 5 6 (0) |
Speak Headings | shift, space + Dots 2 5 (3) |
Speak control | shift, space + Dots 4 6 |
Speak Window | shift, space + Dots 3 5 (9) |
Where am I? (Application, file and focus) | space + Dots 2 4 (i) |
Describe Focus position | shift, space + Dots 2 3 6 (8) |
Navigation | |
Press Ok/Close Icon | shift, space + control |
Enter | space + dots 4, 6 or Joystick Enter |
space | space |
Page Up | space + Dots 1 2 6 |
Page Down | space + Dots 3 4 5 |
Tab | space + Dots 5 6 |
shift Tab | space + Dots 2 3 |
Escape | space + Dots 1 5 (e) |
Backspace | space + Dots 1 2 (b) |
Delete | space + Dots 1 3 4 6 (x) |
Start Menu (Windows Key) | space + Dots 2 4 5 6 (w) |
Cursor Up | space + Dot 1 or Joystick Up |
Cursor Down | space + Dot 4 or Joystick Down |
Cursor Left | space + Dot 3 or Joystick Left |
Cursor Right | space + Dot 6 or Joystick Right |
Home | shift + space + dots 1, 2, 3 |
End | shift + space + dots 4, 5, 6 |
control Home | space + dots 1, 2, 3 |
control End | space + dots 4 ,5, 6 |
Alt | control + space |
Alt tab | shift + space |
Virtual Focus (VF) | |
Choose Virtual Focus (VF) | control + dots 3, 6 |
VF Activate | space |
VF Interact with control | space + dots 4, 6 |
VF Interact with control | space + control |
VF Next Line | space + dot 4 |
VF Previous Line | space + dot 1 |
VF Right | space + dot 6 |
VF Left | space + dot 3 |
VF Right Word | space + dot 5 |
VF Left Word | space + dot 2 |
VF Choose Live Focus | control + dots 3 6 |
VF Next Object | space + dots 5 6 |
VF Previous Object | space, shift + dots 5 6 |
Upgrading Supernova BraillePen 12 and BraillePen 12 Touch
Supernova supports the cursor routing available in the BraillePen12 Touch. Starting with Supernova XXX new BraillePen 12 Touch driver is already implemented.
If your Supernova does not have the latest SAM, please follow these steps to upgrade it.
- Download file here and save it locally on your computer. This is a fully functional SAM driver for BP12T.
Exit Window-Eyes.
- Unzip the content and copy webrloem104.dll to your SAM folder
- When you are asked to replace the existing file, choose Copy and Replace.
Open US-Braille folder and copy braille.ini file. Go to …\AppData\Roaming\GW Micro\Window-Eyes\users\default and replace the default braille.ini file